
10 Keys to Finding Your Purpose and Achieving Your Goals

With all the information out there on setting goals and achieving success, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the information available. I, too, was overwhelmed with everything I read and needed to devise a method for my own success. That's when I came up with the POWERDRIVE to Success method of setting and achieving goals.

I'm sure you have heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. I tried them and understood the concept which was extremely helpful by demonstrating how to write my goals down on paper. However, I was missing some key components that helped me define what my goals should be, and how I was going to reach those goals. That's when I developed the POWERDRIVE to Success method.

Here are 10 steps to help you achieve your goals.

P - Purpose. Your purpose in life has a significant correlation to your success in achieving goals. When you know what your purpose is in life, everything you do from that point forward that is directly related to your purpose has value and meaning. Defining your life's purpose is the first step.

O - Optimize your time. Understanding your internal clock and when you are most productive during the day can significantly affect how quickly you achieve your goals.

W - Write it down. You must write down your intentions. Unless you write down your goals, you will probably not achieve them. Remember, out of sight - out of mind.

E - Empower yourself. We all need to be empowered, but we must also learn to empower ourselves. Accepting responsibility for our own destiny and achieving our goals is empowering. When we allow others to steal our dreams, we risk giving in to our own negative self-talk and self-destructive behavior.

R - Release negative thoughts and fears. Our fears are often unrealistic and created from "dream stealers." Learning to control our negative thoughts can help us move forward with our goals.

D - Dream Big! What we want, we can have. So if your dreams are small, you will get small things. If you are going to dream, dream big so big things begin to happen.

R - Relationships. Building relationships and connecting with people who see your vision and support your success helps you stay accountable for your actions. This brings greater success.

I - Immediate action. Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Procrastination is our enemy. Take action and do it now.

V - Visualize success. Have your dreams and goals visible to you everyday so you can be constantly reminded of what you want in life. Again, out of sight - out of mind, so know what you want and visualize it daily.

E - Everyday. Success comes from creating daily positive habits that contribute to your success. Doing something every day toward your goals will only create success that much faster.
